Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Time OR Love

Although in my last post I believe that I was telling the world that only time can understand the true value of love, today I find myself here not able to believe it as much myself. Is it true that time can tell us what love is...or time and distance can be the mechanisms that can distroy love and what is true love ? all these questions run through my brain and my veins but do I have an answer ...not really! it all get down to blurry questions and hazzy answers ... and a silent, sad smile!

1 comment:

Kaoutar said...

It's true that time and distance make up an evil alliance against love or any feelings of the kind, but the alliance doesn't necessarily win!

Obstacles will be there, hard times also. But I think it still can work if you BELIEVE in what you feel, and you BELIEVE in the person you chose. (and the YOU stands for BOTH of you).

Tiens bon dear...