Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Simply Humans

Today, the main reason that brings me here to share with you, the people I know and the others I don’t, is the human side of all of us that unifies our spirits. We meet in the streets sometimes we look each other in the eyes, others we just pass by with no special regards.

Building relationships with strangers doesn’t need the power of words; it is only from the fact of raising awareness about one another. The nonverbal ability of humans to express then goes beyond, from ignorance to interest or a shy smile that acknowledges the other…we always find a way to Communicate, simply because we are HUMANS…

Therefore, let this small message be my start and OUR start in a world of Communication

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heyyyyyyyy!! Nice start cute communication specialist ;)

You're right, words are not the unique basis of communication... sometimes abstract elements can bring better understanding (le "courant" as I call it sometimes.)

Words can be faked. but never le "courant":)

Go on writing/communicating Narjis :)